Jail And Prisons Comparison Paper

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Jail and Prisons Comparison Paper


Prisons and jails are correctional facilities that serve as places for incarceration by the government. Jail is a place of detention for the confinement of persons awaiting trial, or sentenced for a short duration, whereas, prison is a place where, predominantly, convicted felons are confined- typically sentenced for a longer term. The primary aim of both jail and prison is to confine, or at least rehabilitate, prisoners so that they can reenter society as productive citizens. The classification of these facilities is based in accordance to the type of prisoners being housed. The aim of this paper is to provide a review of jails and prisons, along with a comparison of the similarities and dissimilarities between security levels in jails and prisons. Factors responsible for overcrowding in jails and prisons are briefly explained in this paper.


Body: Discussion and Analysis4

Role Played by Jail in Corrections4

History of State and Federal Prisons5

Similarities and Dissimilarities between Security Levels6

Factors Influencing Growth in Jails & Prisons6



Jail & Prisons Comparison Paper


Jails and prisons are the two institutions of corrections, having the similar end goal; however, the road leading to that goal is tremendously different. Jail is a place for the detention of individuals, awaiting trials, or sentenced for a short time period, i.e., typically less than a year. On the other hand, prison is a place where, predominantly, convicted felons are confined. Both jails and prisons have a mutual objective of assisting offenders reenter society as productive citizens. Because of short sentences, offenders are released back by jails into the community on a daily basis, while inmates are managed by prisons for longer periods of time; that's why jails have to face more challenging situation than prisons in the world of recovery to reach a mutual goal as jail administrators have to face obstacles in assisting offenders with severe addiction issues, that are serving relatively short sentences (Hall, n.d.). This paper seeks to analyze role of jail in corrections throughout history; a brief review of state and federal prisons' history; comparative analysis of security levels in jails and, state and federal prisons; and factors influencing overcrowding of both of these correction facilities.

Body: Discussion and Analysis

Role Played by Jail in Corrections

Jails have various roles in American corrections. First, jails detain individuals awaiting trial or hold convicts sentenced for a short term. Secondly, parole, probation, and bail-bond absconders and violators are readmitted by them. Thirdly, they hold or temporarily detain the mentally ill, juveniles, and others awaiting transfer. Individuals are held by jails for contempt, for protective custody, for the military, and for the courts as witnesses. Inmates are transferred to state, federal, and local authorities, and in case of overcrowding of federal and state prison, inmates are also housed in jails. According to Director of Ohio Department of Rehabilitation & Correction- Terry Collins, the critical issues faced by corrections facilities include: overcrowding, maintenance of security, staff leaving the job, budget constraints and re- entry programs (Mutchnick, ...
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