Izmir National University

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Izmir National University


College and Universities need to be run in terms of professional organizations. They cannot be run without the aspect of strategies and competencies. With the appropriate strategies in place, the INU university would be able to successfully create a competitive edge in the marketplace as well as look to perform the different operations in a dignified manner. The faculty has not been able to formulate the strategies in a comprehensive manner and thus it needs to delve deep into the strategic consequences that may arise in the future. The faculty has been unable to successfully ascertain the intricacies within the context of the operational processes and thus is plagued by a serious strategic crisis (Marlatt, Larimer, & Witkiewitz, 2011).

There is no system, no succinct vision, or supporting mission statement within the university. Hence, there is no strategic architecture set up and the business school needs sufficient human, data, or financial capital to address the personnel's concerns and issues. This applies to the business school as well as to the college all in all. Without these three segments, the business school will unquestionably not draw in, hold, prize and lead scholastic ability (personnel, people and directors) and turn into a "planet class" business school. In addition, the business school does not have a reasonable comprehension of their fundamental centre skills in addition to what sort of business school they might want to be sometime later. Nonetheless, as specified, the issues with the business school are just side effects of a greater issue, which is the college additionally not having an all-encompassing vision, supporting mission articulation, or method. Throughout there is no agreeable phenomenon, which is not a process for running an auspicious college, in addition to a business school.

Strategic crises as the one faced by the INU university requires the use of extensive and long term mechanisms which can only be applied if the faculty members have the required expertise and skills to perform such an operation. The faculty members need to address the situation on long term basis and thus need to take into account the distinct needs and concerns of the stakeholders as without such an analysis, the strategic reform process for the university would not be able to accomplish the desired results.

The current system of the INU university is characterized by excessive mismanagement and thus has not been able to comprehend the required essence of the university which is to augment the enhanced learning and development. It requires the top level executives which in this case are the faculty members to look into the role of strategic reforms and development which have the skills to ascertain and address the core problems facing the university.

The faculty members need to take the situation seriously and should make use of their experience because of the fact that these types of situations are likely to occur with a different magnitude in future as well. Universities such as the INU university are prone to competing with ...