Itv And Bskyb

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The media is becoming essential in everyday life and it bears direct information to people, as they represent as the most useful and most competent when trying to be informed and updated. These media, on the one hand, are business organisations and, as such, also have acquired a tendency to adhere to the philosophy of corporate responsibility programs and spaces exposed to the public. Furthermore, reporting entities should be added based on the concept of information ethics as part of their responsibility to respond to the values ??of truth and self-regulation.

Through this approach, we can then recognise that the media will be a double game when assessing their social responsibility: first, ethics information, and secondly, their own values ??as a company. The media, in addition to being broadcast and entertainment channels are an important factor in the process of social transformation, taking the entertainment and the spread of values ??as complementary. The responsibility of the media is to communicate the whole truth, transmitting what they are doing business fairly, but it is also important to note the work that we meet the users participating in the selection of what is transmitted in the media.

Today, there are many fronts of communication devoted to the subject of CSR, which are spread betting on the different concepts and definitions on the subject, that there is a massive knowledge of this. That is why we must support them and know them to begin to generate a niche interested in these topics, which will result in the expansion of media that include CSR as part of their regimen (Bansal, 2000).

However, while the media responsibility is to deliver quality content and reliable, it is people who choose them as their personal opinion, so it is important to prefer sources that have backgrounds and messages that promote responsible practices and influencing the participation in its development towards a stentable.

In this paper, we are going to discuss the CSR activities and initiatives taken by the UK's most reputable organisations in the media industry, which are ITV and BSkyB.


The Independent Television (ITV) is a private television channel of British born from the fusion of several independent local networks. It transmits the third analogue terrestrial channel on British TV (ITV1), as well as other 5 channels (ITV2, ITV3, ITV4 and CITV Channel) on DTT and on satellite. It was the first channel to broadcast advertising in the United Kingdom, as in BBC networks, as those funded by TV license fee (only those in Great Britain), is not permitted.

In addition, ITV is developing a free channel in High Definition for users of cable TV, placing itself in direct competition with the company status, which is also engaged with the experimental broadcasts of BBC HD, its HD channel broadcast on satellite and digital terrestrial TV in the area of London.


British Sky Broadcasting Group PLC (BSKYB alias) is an operator of satellite TV in United Kingdom which was established in 1990 ...