Italian Mafia

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Fight against Italian Mafia

Fight against Italian Mafia


We have the first written reference of the Italian Mafia in the year of 1864. Italian Mafia was set up by Nicollo Colonna, the veteran leader of the Palermo National Guard. He claimed that he had special signals to learn about the others. He had political safeguard in many countries. He had defied the Italian government to protect his vigorous and nefarious strategy. Colonna counter attempt to crush the Italian government's effort to eradicate the mafia activities made him reprehensibly popular in the world (Lupo, S. 2009). History, when we move towards Sicily, a part of Italy, tells us about a story in respect of Italian Mafia. It was in the year 1925, when fascist Benito Mussolini initiated, through Caesar Mori, an attack. In the attack thousands were arrested, Mafiosi families were made hostages. The Italian Mafia (Cosa Nostra) was not daunted. Today the Mafia is spread in Italy. They have strong built-bases in and around Italy. It is thought that they have access and relation to government officials. They are nowadays busy with drug trafficking also. In Italy, it is thought that at least 5 known mafia families are vigorously operating. These mafia families have brought up thousands of their members. The Italian Mafia is famous for its common criminal and nefarious activities. They have grown much stronger and healthier and they are having extortion activities and running guarded and protected rackets. In the economic world, the Mafia in Italy makes an economic force of its own which goes up to account for nearly 10% of Italy's GDP (Barzini, L. G. 1971).

In the following lines, I have tried to capture the anti-mafia activities to stop the Italian mafia in the world and particularly in Italy, to stop their degenerate and nefarious cancerous activities, and their wide spread and on-going subversive deeds, their underworld activities and over world liaison with government officials. This paper tries to present the current acts and strategies on the part of Italian government as to the Italian authorities are dealing with the lethal activities of the Italian Mafia, and to mention the most important strategy that is successful to stop Italian Mafia so far.

History of Italian Mafia

The history of Italian mafia dates back to the 9th century(The History of Mafia n.d), when the Sicily was under the Arab regime. During the Arab regime the natives of Italy were living under the force of cruelty. They have to escape to the outrun of the Sicily to save their lives. These natives became refuges or mafias in the hills outside the island. The word “mafia” is an Arabic word meaning “the refuge”.

After the invasion of the Normans in 11th centaury, the local tribes once again came to the forced labour(The History of Mafia n.d). These native tribes formed a secret society for the fight against their enemies the invaders. The main theme of this society is to develop a family of the natives with goal to save the Sicilian ...
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