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Planning, Execution and Control Capabilities in a Real-World Project

Planning, Execution and Control Capabilities in a Real-World Project

IT Project


Risk System Purpose and Overview

The purpose of the Risk Characterization and Hazard Evaluation System (RiCHES) is to make comprehensive risk profiles of processes, chemicals, facilities, industrial sectors, and enhancement projects and make a national portrait of health and environmental efficiency in context of risk. The RiCHES idea was particularly made to work effectively with Environment, Safety and Health Management Systems (EHSMSs); hence, the RiCHES design will be flexible with the other systems presently under the phase of development for audit and inspection activities, compliance and monitoring.

RiCHES is founded on a three-tiered framework, with the tiers specified with respect to the level of variations in the input data assumptions which are related to risk, the information sources which are required to perform the estimation of input parameter values for risk identification, and the application of models of quantitative risk assessment that will be utilized to enhance the perfection of the risk estimates. A brief summary of the three RiCHES tiers is given as:

Tier 1 Risk Screening

A Tier 1 estimation may be done for any facility no matter whether site-specific information are available. It is predicted that a Tier 1 categorization will be very conservative (i.e., give estimates of risk that are greater than any actual hazards of risk), indicating the limited needs of information. Facility specific information can be taken in Tier 1 when it is available; but, default estimates based on sector-specific information will be performed where facility specific information is unknown.

Tier 2 Risk Survey

A Tier 2 performance estimation would involve effectively more data taken during surveys of facility. As a result of this, it is assumed that the score of risk will fall in Tier 2 due to the reason that the scores are founded on actual information of input, instead of assumptions. This tier may also acquire the application of simple screening models to measure risk and exposure to human environment and health.

Tier 3 Quantitative Risk Assessment

A Tier 3 evaluation would be allocated for facilities those previous tiers taken as being high risk. For these kinds of facilities, the risk to human health and the environment is taken potentially serious; hence, the Tier 3 quantitative modelling results would be applied to support profiling of risk and the making of compliance criteria options related to mitigation for a specific facility or group of facilities.

As suggested by the independent descriptions of tier, all of the facilities will be ranked under Tier 1; the most risky facilities will be termed for further analysis under Tier 2, and then possibly Tier 3. The major benefit to getting a tiered approach to identify risk is that, due to the presence of the methodology from which data is driven, the process of evaluation can initiate instantly under Tier 1 by the help of easily available sources of information that are external to a facility or are specific to a ...
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