As the world is progressing, internet is becoming the most dominant medium of communication between individuals. At the contrary terrorist activities are also spreading like tumour throughout the world. Terrorists have also become smart and they are manipulating every medium for executing their evil plans.
The government of UK is planning to authorize the ISP providers to have a check and balance upon the information of individuals to protect the public from terrorist activities as terrorists are using internet and social media sites to communicate with each other and they administer and execute bombs through the latest technology available.
No part of the world is safe from them and the cause of this case study depicts it clearly as the data monitoring on phones and mobile phones is not sufficient and internet data needs to be monitored as well. This monitoring of internet usage specially the social networking mediums have generated a great debate whether this monitoring will harm the rights of individuals and communicate or not? The debate is discussed in four specs of legal, professional, social and ethical grounds.
Legal issues
According to the case if 'Snoopers' charter forces ISPs to monitor Facebook and Twitter then it will eventually infringe the legal rights of the people who are using their accounts on these social networking websites.
Mainly the point of concern which will arise is that internet is a medium through which personnel photos and credit card numbers are also exchanged. The misuse of this data by the authorities can arise legal problems for them.
Social sites will come into legal issues as they will not inform the customer that their data is accessed by monitoring authorities. Human rights actives will challenge the policy as the privacy of individuals will be perished (Bainbridge, 1996).
Professional issues
Professionally speaking this issue has even more importance as the [professionals who administer the role of monitoring have a bigger responsibility than the agencies to administer. Firstly they should be well aware of their ethical and legal responsibilities and they should inform their customers in advance that they will be monitoring their data.
Many of the social websites already notify their customers that their data is being monitored but the ISP provider will also have to notify their customers that their logs will be submitted to the higher authorities for review (DPA, 1998).
Secondly, the owner of the ISP service will not be administering the role ...