Issues With Student's Working Environment

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Issues with Student's Working Environment

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Issues with Student's Working Environment

Thesis Statement

Workplace environment for students is very unfavourable regarding ethical and legal issues.


Preventive work environment management leads to a good working environment that benefits everyone in the workplace as well as the study environment. According to the Swedish Work Environment Act this shall be carried out in a systematic manner and be included as a natural part of the university's activities. In the Act students are equivalent to employees (with a few exceptions). It is the work environment officer at each workplace who heads the work? but this shall take place in cooperation with employees and students. It shall cover all physical and psycho-social conditions that are of significance for the working environment. Action plans shall be drawn up in order to ensure that the necessary measures are taken. Follow ups to action plans and other work on the work environment are to take place annually. Additionally? according to the provisions of AFS 2001:1 Systematic Work Environment Management a work environment policy should be established. This policy is to describe what the working conditions should be like and what routines should exist in order to prevent illness and accidents and to achieve a good work and study environment. (Armstrong? 1984)

It is also in the university's interest? whilst carrying out activities in education? research and development that are competitive and of a high quality? to ensure that the quality of the work environment for staff and students is of a high level.


Through offering a motivational work and study environment our most important resource? the individual? can thrive and function well. The work environment should not just be safe? but should also encourage development? as well as providing opportunities for individual (Allen? 2001)influence. An important target for the university is to be able to offer all employees and students an ethically sustainable work environment. One aspect of an ethically sustainable environment means that offensive? discriminating behaviour is not acceptable. Work environment management is to be included as a natural part of all planning of university activities. Resources for preventive work environment management? (Covey? 1989) information and training regarding these issues shall be available at all levels at the university.

Responsibility for the work environment

The Vice-Chancellor has overall responsibility for the work environment at the entire university and the faculty boards have a supervisory responsibility in their areas. The health and safety committee and the faculties' drafting bodies (work environment/EHS committees or the equivalent) each treat work environment issues at their level? but have no formal responsibility for the work environment in a legal sense.

The head of department is responsible for ongoing work environment management in his/her department and aspects relating to the work environment shall be part of the planning and execution of all activities. The head of department is responsible for ensuring that work is carried out in accordance with the intentions of the Work Environment ...
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