Issues In Tourism Industry

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Issues in Tourism Industry

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Issues in Tourism Industry


In the contemporary global business environment the service industry has become a highly significant entity. The tourism sector has become a predominant form of industrial strategy of several countries, who have presented themselves as a vacation destination for the population of the developed countries. England represents one of the most active consumer markets for the various global tourism sites, as the majority of the population has the adequate amount of financial resources to be able to experience these leisure activities (Smeral, 1998, pp. 373). There are several factors and dynamics of the tourism industry which have an impact on the operations of the global tourism industry. The most important factor to consider in regards to the global tourist industry is the image of these tourism sites for the intended consumers. As the majority of the consumer base is formed by the western and developed countries including England, the factors related to security and the environmental scenario of the tourism site become very important. To these individuals the biggest concern is not the financial resources alone; rather it is also the experience and the quality standards.

In the current global tourism industry there are several emerging trends and factors which have had a negative impact on the performance of this sector. There are several factors that are caused due to the internal affairs of the tourism oriented sites and the countries, however the dynamics of the countries representing the major consumer base have also been negatively affected (Higham & Hinch, 2002, pp. 181). In this scenario the organizations in this industry have to carry out an extensive analysis of the various factors which are influencing the industry, and attempt to change their relevant marketing and operational functions. Due to the high level of competition present in the current tourism oriented industry the relevant companies have to adjust as per the existing consumer trends in a timely basis, so that they can develop an attractive and globally renowned business entity.


Issues in the Tourism Sector: Industrial Perspective

Global Financial Recession

The global financial recession has had a negative impact on the majority of the diverse industries operating on the global scale. This financial phenomenon which was primarily initiated ion the American economic environment had its repercussion throughout the worldwide business sector. The level of economic trade initiated by the developed and the western countries decreased drastically, with several companies even relying on the special funds and aid from the governmental institutes (Thomas, 2000, pp. 347). The primary impact of this recession was felt by the population of the developed countries, as their incomes decreased substantially. In the countries such as England and various other developed nations the majority of the population could not easily afford to allocate their financial resources on leisure and luxury oriented activities; hence they had to diminish activities such as travelling and tourism.

The tourism industry in the global scale is still experiencing the drastic shift in the global demand after ...
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