Issues In Population Health

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Issues in Population Health

Issues in Population Health


Health is the basic necessity of every individual. In United States, the governmental organizations and private health care agencies are working hard to prevent and control the disease prevalence in the population, yet there are issues that are yet to be controlled. HIV stigmatization is one of the leading issues that are present in the community.

This paper gives a descriptive study and comparative analysis of the Issues in Population Health and how these issues can be resolved, by keeping HIV stigmatization as the main focus.


The term public health in Americans refers to the health conditions of the Americans. This involves the integrated working of different governmental and private bodies, to achieve health promotion, through atmospheric and educational support incorporated in actions to improve the health of the fast and furious general public ((Kovner & Knickman, 2011, pp.103-114).

HIV Stigma- A Prevailing Public Health Issue

HIV stigma is one of the leading problems in the United States of America. As the UNAID defines, as a process of depreciation of individuals either living with or connected with HIV and AIDS. Segregation accompanies stigma and is the shameful and out of line medication of a single dependent upon his or her true or discerned status” (Nyblade, Stangl, 2009)

Stigma frequently uplifts existing prejudices, biases and health inequalities. Fear of this event can accelerate individuals with HIV being anxious about telling others that they have HIV or keeping away from contact with other individuals. They might come around to enduring in quiet as a substitute for getting the assistance they need. The stigma in this way prevents the prevention and treatment strategies applied by the public health care bodies.

The Core Functions of Public Health

The public health is the integrated system that works in collaboration to promote health in individuals. ...