Issues In Human Resource

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Issues in Human Resource

Issues in Human Resource


We will be looking at the human resource issues occurring due diversity. Our focus will be on the global diversity and inclusion at Royal Dutch Shell as highlighted in the case. We will review concerns for the creation of executive committee. We will be advising on the goals for the restructuring of the organization. The criteria for downsizing the management will be evaluated in our assignment. We will have a critical review of the diversity and inclusion targets for managing the workforce composition during restructuring and identify their advantages and disadvantages. We will also consider the possibility of including people from selected groups despite the downsizing.


In the case, Shell is in transition as the CFO and soon becoming CEO Mr. Peter Voser, has established an eight member executive committee. The composition of this committee varies from the convention of having females and other representatives of the diverse groups in the committee. This had been the practice of the processors CEO s and also in line with the diversity and inclusion initiatives taken by Shell over the years. Mr. Voser understands this issue and is aware that his actions will be viewed as deviation from the cause of diversity and inclusion. In addition to this he also has to take everyone on board for the organization wide changes he intends to make (Kinicki and Kreitner, 2006). Restructuring departments and divisions and the reduction in the human resource are all the changes which cannot do efficiently without bring taking his entire organization on board. We will be answering the case study question below:

Answer 1: Coping with Negative Response to the Formation of EC

Changes are carried out by the people and through the people. Mr. Voser has to address these concerns in his actions and also communicate his point of view to his employees and take them on board his decision. Mr. Voser, by neglecting Ms Cook has given an unsaid message to the employees that he doesn't reward hard effort. She was instrumental in the LPG project and working with the company for twenty years has given her recognition which Mr. Voser can use in implementing his strategies and restructuring. Diversity in teams and committee will not only allow representation in of different thoughts of people in the company but will also enable the CEO to have multiple point of views representing diversity of opinion and ...
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