Issues In Homeland Security

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Issues in Homeland Security

Issues in Homeland Security


This assignment is focused on highlighting the issue of resilience that needs to be formed in the homeland security and emergency management. Resilience is very important for the community, government and the organizations (Painter, 2013).


The subject of resilience has been increasing in the circles of government, business and academia. There are three interrelated objectives which are mutually reinforcing which form the approach towards resilience. These three objectives are resistance, absorption and restoration. When these objectives are applied to the key functions and critical systems, they will reflect the resilience features that are required for the individual needs. This resilience needs to be planned before the undesired consequence and damage to the system occurs. Resilience focuses on both the soft systems that include the individuals and communities and the hard systems which include the assets and infrastructure (Kahan et al, 2009).

One method for establishing the resilience is to create a resilience profile for the main functions in the critical systems. The investment strategies can be used to find out the cost effective methods for incorporating the resilience capabilities in homeland security for system.

The terrorist attacks of 11th September and the damage caused by hurricane Katrina resulted in the development of programs and policies which focus on securing the homeland against the important challenges. In the governmental, private and academic circles, lot of research has been done on the meaning of resilience, coverage, method of implementing this concept and the role of stakeholders of homeland security. Resilience is important for the security and safety of the nation and initiatives for homeland security should be recognized and incorporated by the decision makers. United States has become a brittle society in which it is the responsibility of the private sector in taking the lead for advancing ...
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