Issues In Child Development

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Issues in Child Development

Issues in Child Development


The purpose of this study is to expand the boundaries of our knowledge by exploring some relevant and factual information relating to the analysis of issues in Child Development. Child development is distributed in multiple dimensions that differ according to context and impact on child behaviour. Numerous things simultaneously influence the mental, physical, and emotional development of the child. Behavioural responses of child are consequences of experiences he had in his early stages of life. It is essential to address the key areas related to child development that may create potential problems in normal upbringing of child (Yuriy, 2005, pp. 67-89).

One of the main tasks of the society is to provide every child the right conditions for growth and development. The harmonious development of the child can be fully developed by the rich content of the family environment or inhibited by poor or infrequent stimuli. With careful care of the parents, the child acquires basic abilities and skills for overcoming the difficulties in achieving the aim. These skills have a decisive impact on the continued ability of the child, because they form the basis for further study. In this paper, the author will explore the development of attachment relationships between infants, parents and other family members, and evaluate the importance of such attachments for later development (Salkind, 2002, pp. 134-137).

Understanding Child Development and Childhood

The human species acquires many of its psychophysical characteristics after birth. Childhood is a phase of great biological plasticity that promotes the progressive acquisition of psychomotor skills, as well as emotional and cognitive skills that are influenced by the environment in which the child grows (Robert, 2007, pp. 112-121).

During the growth of the child, the behaviour is changed based on experience related to visual stimuli, sounds, tastes, the acquisition of upright posture and walking ability, the ability to communicate with facial expressions, gestures and language. Psychological studies of childhood, devoted to the emergence of these skills, have outlined a development profile that outlines the ages at which it is expected that a child acquires specific functions. The research is mainly focused on motor skills, language acquisition and development of ability to relate to others. However, some differences are not necessarily indicative of atypical development, but rather the uniqueness of each child's growth trajectory (Neil, 2002, pp. 78-89).

Observing children in their natural environment, such as at home and in school, is a very important source of information for understanding the behaviour and growth of child. Child development is a succession of stages or phases in which a number of physical and psychological changes occur. There are several theories available to explain child development. For instance, the theory that addresses the emotional development such as psychoanalysis and other theory that addresses child growth and development from a cognitive perspective such as the theory of Jean Piaget.

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