Issues For News Organisations

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Issues that might prevent News Organisations from fulfilling their role in society

Issues that might prevent news organisations from fulfilling their role in society


About this content personalization, Nicholas Negroponte, founder of the Media Lab at MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology), states that whenever the system allows the reader finds only those news items that interest you and the services that fit their needs and tastes (Curran, 2002). Another advantage is that electronic journalism is a multimedia product (combines text, image and sound), which allows immediate updating of content, thus dissociating the frequency characteristic of analog media.

Discussion & Analyses

Descriptions of the media systems related in the model are not really theories but classifications. In 1969, Schramm referred to as premises (Curran & Seaton, 2010). According to Merrill, this paper will use the term concepts. It may be that Siebert, Peterson and Schramm have used their terminology meaning in theory with respect to how the media should operate within a national and ideological system, rather than the way it actually might work. The concepts described in the book were: authoritarian, libertarian, communist Soviet and social responsibility (Davies, 2008). These are some real life examples that portray how the news organizations don't fulfil the society's need. There are Internal and External issues related to it. The following are some real life examples that explains how news are affected through these aspects.

The Authoritarian

The authoritarian concept is the oldest of all, including an independent media, but it is strictly controlled. The concept arose after the printing media was invented; when those who had the power of the Church and the State realized that the new invention could be used to question the authorities (Dearing & Rogers, 1996). Adolf Hitler was the leader of control and power. He also controlled the media and all the news he wanted people to listen to his views, opinions, and work according to him. The news and media is the best source to convey the message to all the people that are living in remote locations. With the help of Joseph Goebbels Adolf Hitler took over the media.

The Libertarian

The libertarian concept was developed during the European enlightenment in response to the authoritarian concept. The drastic then the opinion of some writers that people had an important place in the universal scheme and were not only instruments of the maneuvers of kings and popes, was even more drastic idea that government should serve the people (Siebert, Peterson & Schramm, 1984). According to these writers, the fact that people should be allowed to decide on the actions of their governments, is perhaps even more drastic. If people were considered important and should be allowed to decide on the actions of their governments, not surprisingly, this theory has concluded that the media should be free of government control in order to inform people about the activities of this objectively (Curran, 2002).

These ideas are libertarian principles of the U.S. Constitution. As such, he was given an important social role in the ...
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