Issues For Multinational Organizations

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Issues for Multinational Organizations

Issues for Multinational Organizations


This paper is originated from a job sought to answer the questions formulated in the previous studies. This paper discussed the reviews regarding the diversity of management.. Its main objective is to contribute a critical discussion of the debate on the social implications policies and the implementation of foreign models, especially Americans, management of diversity by companies located in America (Kostova et al. 2008). The first part deals with the methodological procedures logic that guided the study from which this article originated. Shortly thereafter is made theme "diversity" in the United States, where originated both the ideas of affirmative action when to diversity management, from major topical highlighted in the academic literature, with special deal with separation made between affirmative reaction and diversity management (Dixon et al. 2012) .

Regardless of the perspectives adopted by examples, gender, ethnicity, age, religion or guiding sexual evidence realize that the profile of workforce has been increasingly diversified in recent decades in the United States and the European Union, leading investigators from various fields to strengthen their efforts in the investigation of these phenomena (De Bettignies and Lepuneux 2009).

Then, we analyze the adoption of diversity management and affirmative action in American reality through its relationship with the schism or racial prejudice. Finally it is based on the contribution of Critical Theory that is originated from the call of Frankfurt School, and discusses the difficulty of the issue of prejudice and racism in America, masked by an ideology that denies, and in the last section of this article it deals with the critical analysis the management of diversity. It is both in general, and specifically in the American context (Dixon et al. 2012).


The variety and the avalanche growth of information

The growth of large organizations often occurs due to the acquisition of other companies. But in terms of data management and consolidation of certain companies and distributed information from a variety of sources does not necessarily mean consolidation in the form of a single enterprise data warehouse.

The problem is also complicated by the lack of common standards for the range of data and information in such companies. This lack of common standards is a major barrier to the coherent organization of data (Kostova et al. 2008).

Permanent changes to the business

Corporations are constantly implementing new investment, implementing new or upgrading existing business processes for the use of emerging opportunities, carry out a merger or acquisition, change their operating models.

The constant changes in the business make it difficult to implement projects on consolidation. The greater and the duration of the project, the more it is affected by changes in business processes (De Bettignies and Lepuneux 2009).

Technological problems

It is very much to be customized to the specific needs of the users, which reduces the flexibility of the system and leads to delays. The problem is that a change in the business process, or when the data is required for another process. It is necessary to change not only ...
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