Israeli-Palestinian Conflict

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Israeli-Palestinian Conflict

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Israeli-Palestinian Conflict


The Israeli Palestinian conflict can be adequately considered as one of the most high profile and long term ethnic and geographical conflicts in the recent global socio political history. The struggle which has become a major global event and is very commonly highlighted in the global media has its initial source in the early 20th century. The conflict between the predominantly Muslim Palestinians and the Jewish Israelis has deep historical roots. The conflict initiated as a regional dispute among the Zionist Yishuv and the majority of the Arab based population which resided in the region. This Arab population was primarily ruled by the Ottoman regime; however the administration was then replaced by the British forces (Gelvin, 2005). Among the primary issue of the territorial rights of Palestine and Israel, other pertinent issues include mutual consent, borders, after source rights, control of the central Jerusalem, the unauthorized Israeli Settlements and also the uprising of the Palestinian freedom movement.

The reason why this issue is considered one of the biggest global conflicts in the recent global socio political history is the involvement of the substantial external stakeholders. Israel has been able to attain the material and social support of the majority of the western countries, and the biggest super power in the world is a strategic Israeli Ally. America has provided Israel with the crucial material and financial resource and also backing on various issues on the global political platform. America is also provides Israel with a strategic partnership on the UN platform, which is considered the most inflectional global governing bodies. It is due to this support [provided by America that Israel is able to present majority of its concerns to the global society with a relative ease, and in the other hand the Palestinians have to face numerous dilemmas in reaching the mainstream global media society.


The Historical Significance

The crux of the Israeli Palestinian conflict is based on the basic religious issues between the Jewish Israelis and the Muslim Palestinians. This region in the Middle East has always attracted the attention of the majority of the Christian, Jewish and the Muslim powers throughout history. In the historical wars between the Muslim and the Christian forces, known as the Crusades, emperors made numerous attempts to conquer the region due to its religious significance. Over time the majority of the Christian forces stopped their pursue of this religious ...
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