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If Islam is walking around with metaphorical chip on its shoulder, it may be because, some might say, after way it's been treated since Muhammad (P.B.U.H) first heard words of Allah, it has good reason.

The word Islamophobia is the relatively new name that has recently been coined, to reflect new wave of anti-Muslim prejudice that has grown over last couple of years since 911. Since September 11th, the backlash has been aimed at all Muslims, moderate and fundamentalist alike. This failure by those who are ignorant of subject to distinguish between many diverse followers of Islam, and tendency to tar all Muslims with extremist brush has meant that many innocent people have come under attack for no reason other than religion that they follow.

This negative image of Muslims and Islam is not the new phenomenon however. In fact oppression of Muslims, and of Islam itself by west, goes as far back as Crusades, when early Christian soldiers marched to Palestine in order to "free" Jerusalem and Holy Land from Islamic influence and authority. As they marched toward wars marching crusaders sung Songs that portrayed Islam and Muslims not only negatively, but also as infidels and idolaters.

The ushering in of twentieth century brought about the very different, quicker, and much simpler way to attack Islam and demonize Muslim, using power of media. What this did was bring about the very new type of crusader, one who brought the more energetic and concerted effort to demonize Arabs and Muslims. This allowed European and American Jews to herd themselves in and invade Palestine after World War I and II, and occupy the country not theirs with blessing and support of British and American governments.

Even so since rise over last couple of years of Islamophobia British government has been at pains to publicly stress that Islam is the peaceful religion, and that U.S.-led war in Afghanistan that followed September 11 attacks on New York twin towers, was directed at "terrorists", not against Muslims. However constant barrage of "Islamic" terrorism in our daily lives by media, (and Government) who repeatedly use words Muslim and terrorist in same sentence, story, headline, or sound bite, is bound to have an effect on way society in west view Muslims and Islam. A United Nations special investigator on religion, argues that, "The Muslim community can certainly flourish freely in religious sphere, but it has to be recognized that there is an Islamophobia reflecting both racial and religious intolerance." He went on to say, "This is not fault of authorities, but of the very harmful activity being carried out by media in general, and popular press in particular, which consists of putting out the distorted and indeed hate-filled message treating Muslims as extremists and terrorists." George meads symbolic interaction theory states, that reality is to the large degree defined by shared social symbols, and when enough people agree that the certain idea is true then it "becomes" true and is understood as real.

In other words is Islam the by word for ...