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Most of the latest western lawful concepts such as supremacy of regulation, equality before regulation, judicial self-reliance and objectivity, juristic character, lawful representation, presumption of innocence, etc, were not ever alien to Islam. Muslims can take just pride in the detail that from the starting their judicial scheme was placed on lines that in matter are no different from those of the best schemes of today. Here is a brief gaze at some of the main characteristics of management of justice in Islam. In Islamic legal scheme, no leader and no authorized can assertion to be above the law. No acts, methods, and conclusions of any administration, howsoever high it may be, can be legitimate and binding as to the persons they sway, save to the extent they are in consonance with the law. (Kader 1999)

The Quran and the Sunnah, which are the primary sources of Islamic regulation, put large emphasis on equality. Consequently, in Islamic lawful scheme there will not be one law for the ruler and one for the subject; one for the mighty and one for the weak; one for the wealthy and one for the poor. Government administration enjoy no exceptional privileges or immunities from the application of law. Even the Prophet of Islam did not address himself or his family overhead the law. Instead of claiming any immunity from the regulation, he laid down the direct that even the head of the state may be challenged, in both authorized and personal capability, in the court. The following declaration of the Prophet (PBUH) which he made while concluding the case of a noble woman who had pledged robbery, illustrates it all: “Verily those who were before you were destroyed because when a noble man from among them pledged robbery, they passed no judgment on him. By Allah, had Fatima, the daughter of Muhammad, committed theft, I would have cut off her hand.” Also, during the course of his last sermon, the Prophet publicly offered to the community that if he owed anything to anyone, or had done any harm to anyone's life or property, he was available to answer for it. The Quran states: “Surely We have disclosed the Book to thee with reality that thou may judge between persons by means of what Allah has educated thee. And be not one pleading the cause of the dishonest.” (4: 105) Paradoxically we in the West generally associate ...
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