Is The Mother The Better Parent?

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Is the mother the better parent?

Is the mother the better parent?

Women by nature, have feminine qualities for nurturing children. As such, they are found to be better parents than fathers. Bringing up life in its first few years is extremely important and to ensure safety and survival the women are attuned intrinsically to this need. This instinct and innate capabilities present in every woman including me makes us better parents. However the role of fathers in child-rearing cannot be undermined. Men are most necessary if children have to be fully aware of the roles of both genders (Barnes, 2006, 1084). But mother have proved themselves superior parents thanks to their feminine qualities, soft skills, less aggressive nature and their generally better communication skills.

There is a quote: “Men make house, women make home” and it tends to be precise throughout the history until now. This idea does not mean that men are not important in raising children but as we look over daily familial life, mothers are closer to children than fathers. When children are in danger, the first word they shout is: “Mommy, help me”. In fact, mother has usually proven themselves to be superior parents as a result of those reasons. First, women obtain more familial condition than men. Since they are very young, females enjoy learning about nurturing. They love to play with doll, feed them, pretend that they are their mothers and sing them a lullaby. Later, they take care of younger brothers or sister.

First of all is the importance role of mother. To start with, mother has to spend a long time to pregnant the children. It might be the hardest time in mother's lives because with a baby in the stomach, mother cannot almost going anywhere or doing anything. They just can stay at home, watching some boring films or reading some boring books. And sometimes they really want to hang out with their friends to talk about their family, their husbands even their babies. But deep down inside, they feel very happy to become a mother. Furthermore, when the children are born, mother has to take care of them. What do the children want to eat or to drink? And when they get sick, what the mother has to do even when they go to kindergarten, mother is still beside them.

The most important part worth taking notice of is that the young years are really very crucial in the formation of a self-confident and a secure individual. If children are neglected and ignored, they are likely to shape up as insecure individuals and no matter how much of inputs and care are given after they grow up, that deficit cannot be made up for. I personally think that mothers are more capable of adding this tremendous value to a child's life. Mothers have always known to be highly balanced with my children, particularly when the hour of need arises. Girls sympathize the essential role of their mothers and they ...
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