Is Medical Marijuana Safe For Pain Management

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Is Medical Marijuana Safe for Pain Management

Is Medical Marijuana Safe for Pain Management


In the Unites States, one of the serious public health problems is inadequate pain relief. All providers of healthcare who provide treatment to patients in pain (for example, chronic and acute pain, or due to terminal illness or non-life threatening disease or injury) must become aware regarding effective pain treatment approaches. Doctors or healthcare professionals faced particular difficulties in managing intractable patients suffering from central pain, neuropathic pain, cancer related pain states (such as, pain related with multiple sclerosis), which are mostly receive inadequate treatment with co-analgesics and analgesics.

For about centuries, marijuana has been used to treat patients in pain because of its medical properties. Several clinical trials on random basis have shown efficacy and safety in treating peripheral and central neuropathic pain.

Purpose behind Review

The purpose of literature review is not limited to information search but also includes articulation and identification of relationships between previous studies and topic under study, as well as offer a context for the study. Literature review also provide justification for the study, avoids replication research, demonstrate where the study fits into the current knowledge, allow the investigator to gain understanding from past studies and theory on the topic, highlight and outline gaps in previous studies, illustrate how past studies deal with and demonstrate the subject, as well as assist in refining the topic under consideration.

Rationale of Topic

Effective treatment of intractable, chronic and acute pain is essentially important concern of public health in today's world. Despite, the availability of a huge variety of analgesic medicines, such as opioid analgesics and inflammatory, huge population of patients continue to suffer from pain. Recent controversies of OxyContin and opiate addiction underpin the significance of safe, effective and new alternatives.

For about thousand years, Marijuana has been used, and was consumed as well, especially to reduce neuropathic pain, before its successful prohibition from the US market sixty five years ago. Traditionally, there are several supporters of marijuana such as Solomon Synder, Osler, Weir Michell, Linnaeur Gowers, Parkinson, Galen Discorides, and several others. Yet, Marijuana continues to use as ethno-botanical agent in pain relief among aboriginal across the world countries.

The controversies in relation to marijuana despite having effectiveness in pain management made it worth researching. There are a number of alternatives available in managing pain, from occupational therapy to prescription drugs. During recent times, alternative option to manage pain is gaining interest of populace. Medical marijuana is basically herb used to treat patients suffering from pain; however, in some states it is prohibited for medical use. Several in the community of heath care are keen regarding potential of marijuana for patients suffering from chronic pain.

Significance and Implication in Advance Nursing

People across the world suffered from several forms of pain ranged from chronic pain to psychological pain. Medical marijuana appears to be a prevailing and effective treatment in reducing pain. Health care administrators and professionals assert that long-term (chronic) pain is a complex health ...