Is Kazakhstan's Bureaucracy Budget Maximizing?

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Is Kazakhstan's bureaucracy budget maximizing?

Is Kazakhstan's bureaucracy budget maximizing?


The interpretation of the phenomenon of bureaucracy in different political systems differ in attitude towards there company (if decent power - that the bureaucracy her aid, for the preservation and strengthening of the system of state-society relations), however the place of bureaucracy in the management system is always defined as an intermediate, the link between the political elite and the population.


The bureaucracy is designed to carry out the guidance and decisions of the supreme power, as they say, to the people. And this is its progressive role in society and the state.

But the bureaucracy has a negative side, which is shown as a function of the political regime. Our bureaucracy generated by the transition from socialism to capitalism, unfinished, in under-democracy, issues its own interests at the general expressing, in her opinion, the needs and interests of all members of society, creates the illusion of independence, both from the public and from political power.

To talk about the bureaucracy can be infinite, for reasons for this and the officials give a lot, and the legislation we basically built on the dominance of the interests of the ruling elite over the interests of the population. Take, for the procedure for appealing unlawful acts or omissions of public authorities, officials, local authorities, etc. For some reason, the dates on which the citizen can file a complaint in court for violation of his rights are limited to a minimum. Does not meet the deadline, even for very obvious reasons, for example, the office of the agency delayed sending a response to the complaint, which often happens - a chance to appeal the runaround virtually none. In court, the defendant, that is, government agency, refers to a statement to the court on the application of the statute of limitations, and the court on this ground has always denied the appeal of the citizen.

Bureaucracy may explain the complete absence of information directly pertaining to the rights of citizens on the websites of government agencies. For example, several years ago, urban land authority posted for all to see how to obtain rights to the land, painted, they say, "and from". Guided by them, one could at least know where and what to seek to gain ground. Now it is not. Moreover, the authorities are required to post information about the availability of free land - has anyone ever seen this done? So much for the land.

Another horror of lives of Kazakhstanians, generated by the bureaucrats, when to get relying free life-saving medicine, people have to wait until someone is there to hold tenders, contests.

Now there is something being discussed on the issue of public access to information. What kind of access is possible at all to say, if earlier on the website of the National Center of Legal

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