Is Capital Punishment Justified

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Is Capital Punishment Justified

Is Capital Punishment Justified


Since the beginning of 19th century, when capital punishment was espoused in the United States of America, ever since then it has been a debatable subject. As one part of the society considers the state-sanctioned death penalty obligatory, however their also is a part of society that does not consider death penalty as the only way to dwindle the criminal activities that are taking place inside the state, different solutions have also been proposed by different individuals like: Sending prisoners to rehabilitation centre's (where their psychological, ethical and personal issues are addressed) and one another proposed solution includes paroled imprisonment (where a prisoner is kept in jail for at-least 10-20 years depending on the nature of crime) this method is already in use in different prisons of the united States of America, however this method couldn't be tagged as a success as there is a 50% chance that a criminal will not commit a crime once he is released. But even after all these debates and proposed suggestions, up-till now thirteen thousand criminals have been sanctioned death penalties.


Pros of death penalty

Law makers believe that austere castigation such as death penalty is a good way to provoke fear in the mind of a person, who then will think a thousand times before committing a ruthless crime.

Life for all human beings is a very valuable fad, so it is in a way totally justified to give a criminal death penalty for taking away this beautiful gift of God brutally leaving the persons family behind sobbing in pain.

A Criminal, who isn't anxious a little bit before committing a ruthless crime such as a murder doesn't deserve a second chance, as he is a menace to society and may commit such a crime again and again.

Cons of ...
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