Ipad In Education

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iPad in Education

iPad in Education


Rapid advancement in technology needs learning tools that will provide help and assistance in quick learning and education. Whatever people learn in the present tends to become obsolete and outdated in a short span of time. A lot of researches and studies have been conducted on the usage of M-technology and m education which show the important role that technology will play in the process of learning and keeping people up to date according to the latest information available in the market. One such product that has been show to make improvement and advancement in the process of learning and education is Ipad. Research shows that the sale of Ipad was more than 3 million units in a month and the number of units that were sold internationally were 57.2 million in the year 2012. Teaches and educators have also found Ipad very useful in the process of education in the classrooms.


Majority of the teachers who are digital immigrants are interested in employing technology and ICT in the process of imparting education and giving lectures to the students. Many teachers find the process of integration of technology with that of education and classrooms as an added burden and complication. According to Herrington they treat such issues and problems as an additional task to the process of real and authentic learning. They do not take it seriously and still believe that traditional ways of teaching are to date the most effective means and methodology and technology has nothing effective to contribute in the field of education (Herrington et.al, 2010). On the other hand there are teachers who are willing to make changes to the current methods of teaching and have started to realize the importance of technology. They are willing to re analyse their traditional methods of instruction and teaching. Authors believe that such latest methods will result in more effective learners (Vogel and Klassens, 2001). Bill Gates states that “Technology is just a tool. In terms of getting kids working together and motivating them the teacher is the most important” (Ryan & Cooper, 2012, pp.216)

Due to advancement in technology many authors think that learning theory is facing another period of revolution. The learning process of students largely depends upon their current knowledge and information (Jonassen, 1991). The question is not whether m learning is required for an effective learning process and education but it is more of a challenge.

Apple is definitely one such company that grabbed the opportunity by being proactive and responded to the needs of the customers. They didn't enter the field of education by chance but it was rather planned. Long before the launch of iBooks 2, many of the Apple's loyal customers and fans had realized the potential of iPad in the line of education. Many of the college students were using iPad already as an alternative for their books and backpacks. Some of the schools even launched certain programs for testing the usage of iPad in class ...
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