Investment Strategy

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Investment Strategy

Investment Strategy


Portfolio Managers and their Qualification

"Portfolio" means the collection of facts of a particular type and originally stood for the wallet. Perhaps the most portfolio managers are therefore in the financial industry. A portfolio manager is suitable for its customer's investment options and combinations (portfolios), in order to reduce financial risk through diversification. He then performs the necessary operations, such as the stock market through. He also analyzes the financial markets, monitors and maintains investment strategies broker contacts. Portfolio managers are also in the technical sector. There, they analyze, design customer needs and market requirements and corresponding solutions. In the adjoining implementation of the project he takes on the position of project manager.

The skills and qualification needed by Portfolio Managers are an understanding of economic trends and the needs of customers, as well as good analytical and systematic thinking skills are essential for the portfolio manager. Team spirit and enthusiasm for working with numbers may also be mentioned. Internally and externally, the evolution of the portfolio manager is dependent on its financial performance, enabling it to gain recognition and visibility in the enterprise, and evolve, for example, to positions within financial or business directions. Specialist in finance and economics, it must have a strong background in wealth management, as well as markets and investment products. Other qualities: wit, good analytical and synthesis required to address the often-sensitive issues. The portfolio manager must possess an ability to communicate.

Investment Strategy

The investor who wants to invest money in the stock market i.e. in shares, he makes a portfolio where he select certain stocks in order to diversify the investment. The main purpose is to avoid risk and to look for higher returns. The stronger the wind, the faster the sail moves. In the stock market, the more volatile the stock fund, the higher the potential for growth and loss. A skilled navigator can go through adverse weather and maybe even faster progress towards the goal. However, a good sailor knows when to change direction and when to lower the sails and take the helm. A skilled investor is like a good sailor.

The investment strategy is a set of methods and tools for portfolio management. The purpose of its application is increasing the capital of the investor. Currently market comprises of five major investment strategies. Nevertheless, it should be noted that it depends on the investor how much risk he can bear and what is the objective when he is entering in to the market. I have been given £20,000 to invest on behalf of a friend who is going to work abroad for 2 years. I will be investing this money in the shares namely Gulf keystone petroleum ltd - £5000, Morrison's - £5000, First Group- £5000 and National grid- £5000. Hence, Equity Portfolios strategy are structured and monitored on an ongoing basis.

Observing the behavior of investors on the Securities Market, we can see a permanent, recurring tasks performed by many of them. They are so called investment styles that characterize the ...
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