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Investment and Analyst

Company's History & Products / Services

CSR plc (Cambridge Silicon Radio) is the chief supplier in the multifunction platform established in the year 1999 belonging to the technology sector. It provides multifunction connectivity for the audio, auto, camera, wireless, Bluetooth, video, images, health & fitness and music market through its subsidiaries. They are also half players in the handset and other electronic market. CSR is a holding company. CSR operates in three different continents that are Europe, Asia and United States. Its head quarters are in United Kingdom, operating with 2,000 plus employees.

The company is divided in to four business segments or units, mobile business group (MBG), home business group (HBG), automotive business group (ABG) and the legacy product group (LPG). There is Audio & Consumer; which includes handsets, personal computers, and other consumer products. Then there are units of navigation devices that is automotive and personal both. The MBG segment of CSR offers solutions related to mobile phones, cameras includes images and videos. HBG offers solutions to headsets, computers etc. ABG provides solutions to navigation devices that are automotive and personal both through PND application. LGP offers solutions to television and DVD etc. It is the key supplier of silicon chips and wide range of products in the consumer market. Its wide range of product list includes; Bluetooth devices, Navigation systems (GNSS - Global Navigation Satellite Systems), GPS - Global positioning System, FM Radio frequency, Wi-Fi etc. CSR is one of the few companies who introduced 2.4GHz radio link for the implementation of radio frequency circuits. They also introduced low cost wireless connections such as Bluetooth system (

CSR plc has increased its number of employees over time. When the company is expanding its business especially in the line of technology they require more human resource. CSR plc is the top semi conductor equipment & material company in the industry. While in 2011 when they repositioned their group some employees left them. At the end of 52 weeks the company conducts a key performance indicator of its employees on the basis of salary and number of employees. CSR utilizes its resources to the fullest and in an efficient manner. They have increased employees in Asia mostly and the growth in employees in U.S. was due to the acquisition of Zoran. , if we compare the year 2007 with the year 2011 we can notice a 102% increase in the number of employees in five years.

In the year 2004 the CSR Company was listed on London Stock Exchange and now they have 24 offices in almost 12 countries. CSR markets its products through direct sales option and team in the U.S. through some sales representatives selling the company's products apart from this they also market their products through a distribution network globally (

Company's Stock Position

Talking about CSR plc's stock position, the stock days, are more similar to debtor and creditor ...
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