Investigation On Pregnancy, Infancy Or Toddlerhood

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Investigation on Pregnancy, Infancy or Toddlerhood

Investigation on Pregnancy, Infancy or Toddlerhood


In this assignment I will be discussing a reputable program related to medical and nursing, this program is the academy named, The Academy Early Childhood Education Center. The major aim of this research was to address the issue of prenatal care, infancy and toddlerhood. This academy helps parents decide rightly when it comes to selecting an early childhood program for their children. This academy makes sure that the parents have made the best decision regarding their child's life and early education. They allow the parents to visit their academy and explore it without setting any prior appointment. They have come up with a proper curriculum which is based on theme. The curriculum consists of the basic and important early hood knowledge, creativity, handwriting and a part of Montessori Method. This curriculum assists the child develop social as well as emotional skills along with their learning of academic level in all the time they are a part of this academy (

Program Offerings

They propose premium quality early childhood education programs in a way that it seems playful for the children. This is for children of age groups 6 weeks up to 12 years. They ensure that the child is safe, taken good care and his brought up is done properly which helps built the child's social and emotional skills and capabilities. They ensure to improve the child's physical and intellectual development. All these programs promote optimistic self admiration. They have programs for infants, starting from the age of 6 weeks to 18 months, toddlers are for 12 months up to the time they start walking, preschool program is for children of age 3 years and till they are potty trained, and there is pre kindergarten for age group 4 to 5 years, kindergarten however starts from the age of 5 to 6 years. They also provide before and after school care and spring, summer and winter camp for children. Their goals are to develop social skills, teach child to speak, mathematics area, science, art, music and dramatics. They also help child in becoming capable for practical life capabilities and becoming physically fit through different sports. The academy commits that they are a leader in the early education of the child and provides premium quality education and learning that motivates the child to learn, develop and achieve something (Program curriculum:

They academy follows a play based approach or technique towards the child's learning. The academy's philosophy is that the child learns while playing, discovery oriented learning, learn to respect others, and positivity about one's self. This academy is an exceptional substitute to the traditional day care of the past.

They have a creative curriculum that the children can learn and take advantage from the program in terms of development. This program is exactly in a way children learn and grow. The Creative Curriculum will aid to make a studying earth that will uphold child's desire to explore things and ...