Investigating Teaching and Learning: Reflecting on your own Practice
[Name of the institute]
[Course code]
1.1. Background of the Study1
1.2. Impact of the Study2
1.3. Thesis Statement of the Study3
1.4. Scope of the Study3
1.5. Significance of the Study4
1.6. Research Objectives4
1.7. Research Questions5
1.8. Outline of the Study6
2.1. Prologue7
2.2. Importance of Mathematics Education7
2.3. Position of Mathematics in Society8
2.4. Syllabus Design of Mathematics9
2.5. Technology and Learning Objectives of Mathematics10
2.6. The Uniqueness of Mathematics Pedagogy12
2.7. Strategies for pedagogical work12
2.8. Development of mathematical language14
2.9. Professor of Mathematics - Mathematics Teaching15
3.1. Research Methodology18
3.2. Ethical Consideration18
1.1. Background of the Study
Most of the students face mathematics course beyond their understanding and they are always struggling to match the conceptions of mathematics with their willingness to study. Thus, mathematics teachers have the responsibility to make a framework that can enable the students to understand and recognise the importance of mathematics in terms of designing the course that is accessible for every mathematics students.
According to Beckmann,, (2009, n. p.) the mathematics educators must know the integration between the course contents of mathematics as well as the mathematics pedagogy, which is defining as the strategies for executing their teaching material to the students. Thus, the whole approach for mathematics teachers is to understand the integration and make the contents that can differ from other knowledge. Since, mathematics is the subject of applications and requires tools and techniques of flexible teaching, which are considering as the essential requirements for teachers. The mathematics educators should develop a learning community that can also build professional networking, which will allow teachers to modify their teaching skills, and more energetically engage in discussion and practices of mathematics within the rich learning environment of their own classrooms. In the present study, the researcher has tried to explore the significance of planning in the teaching of mathematics that must include pedagogy and strategies of teaching for the mathematics students.
Marks (1990, pp. 3-11) explained that the pedagogical content for mathematics should be modified under the influence of understanding for the students and teachers must participate in the course designing that can integrate the contents and pedagogy. It has been a fact that magnitude of mathematics teachers and learning students are not the issues but the quality of mathematics teachers is the main obstacle that is connecting with the challenge of producing teachers with quality knowhow in educating mathematics. For that reason, the main concern is the exploration of strategies that can help teachers in effectively teaching mathematics.
1.2. Impact of the Study
The impact of the study is significant since, it has covering two main aspects in mathematical teaching, which includes the modification of contents and strategic planning in executing the education of mathematics to the learners. The study has projected as self-study analysis of mathematics teacher that can help other teachers to establish collaboration with the students, which can further enhance their skills by developing pedagogical reasoning, which can become the basis for educating mathematics to the learners (Borko & Livingston, ...