Inventing A Word In New Term

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Inventing a Word in New Term

According to Encyclopedia Americana, "An invention is recognised to be any new or useful mechanical contrivance or article, method, discovery, composition of matter or system, not previously known or used, or any improvement in any known machine, art, method or system." In this way, invention is either to invent or to bring about an improvement in some already existing instrument, article, apparatus, system and organization (Alego, 13-77).

In both the conditions, invention is always something new and is also useful. It is said that necessity is the mother of invention. It also means that every invention is useful in one form or the other. For example, Newton's discovery of the law of gravitation was no invention because the law worked even before Newton discovered it. Newton neither made not improved it. On the other hand, James Watt invented steam engine or Marconi invented wireless. These things did not exist before these scientists invented them.

New inventions have been made, not only in the mode of man's life but also in the field of his art, literature, religion and recreation etc., and have helped cultural evolution. Only one example of this will suffice. In the beginning, a handle was adjusted to a motor and turned round with a force to start it (Alego, 1-108). This work was unbecoming and difficult for women. Women therefore did not use cars. Nowadays it is not used to start a car because self-starter has been invented. The habit and custom among women of using cars have been on the increase.

I would add that the same goes for life inside organizations: Some people refuse to speak-up or pitch-in when ideas are being developed, are unable or unwilling to go to key meetings, and generally don't have the will, time, or inclination to help their ...
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