Intrusion Detection Technique for Wireless Sensor Networks And Its Implementation Issues.
Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) is a very common and effective networking device which is being used for various purposes by organizations such as (military, health, control and tracking and others. However, depiste of its importance and value this device is being surrounded with severe security issues probably because of its complex setup and limited resources. Various companie are using innovative techniques to protect this network device from internal and external threat, however, these steps have proved to be unsuccessful in providing complete protection. Through this article researcher has tried to identify various detection based devices for protecting (WSNs), challagnes in using these devicies, types of attacks that could be protected with the help of these devices.
Prevention-Based Safety6
Detection-Based Techniques6
Classification of IDS7
Supervised IDS:7
Semi-Supervised IDS:7
The Unsupervised8
The Requirements of ID Schemes in WSN8
Independent of Previous Data8
Fast Detection8
Accuracy of Detection9
Localize Auditing9
Use of More Vital Resources9
Tolerance When Under Attack9
Ensuring Real Time Response In Case of Attacks9
Supporting Scalability10
Intrusion Detection Techniques10
Malicious Node Detection10
IDS of Sinkhole Attack11
Fuzzy Logic11
Clustering-Based System For Routing Attacks12
Support Vector Machines (SVM)12
Optimized ID with Genetic Algorithm (GA)13
Ant-Based Intrusion Detection13
Hidden-Markove Model (HMM)14
Game Theory:14
Group-Based System14
Statistical Wormhole Detection14
Auto Regression Technique15
Implementation Issues15
Resource Constraints15
Continuously Changing Position16
Continuous Data Streaming16
Varying Routing Protocols16
Lack of Intelligent IDS Models17
Lack of Standards17
Conclusion………………………………………………………………………………… 17
Intrusion Detection Technique For Wireless Sensor Networks And Its Implementation Issues.
Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) are now increasingly been employed in several multi-disciplinary areas that includes military applications, health services, tracking and monitoring applications, environment and habitat monitoring applications. These WSNs offer great combination of wide spread sensing, computing and communication of a wide range of distributed data. At the same time, they create a number of challenges related to the privacy of data, mainly because of their unsystematic, random and unattended deployment and the restrictions of the resources (Alemdar, 2007).
The WSN applications can be categorized into two groups: i.e. Monitoring and Tracking and than are further divided into several sub classes. A large amount of these monitoring and tracking systems have previously been employed to the public, industry and research based services (Yick et al., 2008).The key advantage of the WSN system is that they can carry out in-network processing to cut down the huge streams of raw data, deduce only the useful and precise information for the transmission and this makes the protection of data much easier, however, the challenges posed by the sensor networks are unique.
Due to the harsh environment and the differences with the network, WSN is extremely vulnerable and subjected to diverse kinds of attacks. It is quite understandable that the solutions adopted for the security of network systems cannot be used for the security of WSNs (Akyildiz et al., 2002). Thus, researcger primary objective is “protection of valuable data present in NWS by identifying techniques of intrusion detection” and to accomplish this objective researcher has used tool-centric research approach.
Prevention-Based Safety
To guard WSNs from different kinds of attacks and breaches, preventive-security techniques like authentication and cryptography can be used. But these kind of preventive systems are not successful against all kinds ...