Introductory Qualitative Paper

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Introductory Qualitative Paper

Introductory Qualitative Paper

How does the selection of a tradition follow the research question?

The advances in modes of research and the methods adopted for the conduction of research have not only caused changes in the results produced by the researches but have also caused the research methods to become more precise and accurate. It should be taken into account that there are various methods and types of researches, and the researcher is thus free to choose from a number of various traditions of research. The traditions and forms are selected according to the requirements and demands of the research, which implies that the topic of the research determines which tradition, should be used for the particular research.

It is eminent to mention here that the differences in the research tradition directly affect the research question, and the researchers conducted according to different traditions have different and variant research questions (Balnaves, 2001). For instance, the research question of biography focuses on the life and personality of the subject, while that of a case study is concerned about all the incidence and events that took place in one particular instance of time. Thus, the research questions in biography are about the person under question and at the same time, the research question in other forms of research highlights and focus on the particular topic under discussion.

Thus, it can be concluded that tradition follows the research question and affects its type as well as and the form of research, which implies that the researcher chooses the research question and type in accordance with the tradition chosen for one particular research.

Sample questions for various types if researches


Biography mainly deals with the in-depth research and information gartering regarding one particular person and his life. Thus, the biographical questions are mainly about the personality of ...
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