Introduction To Self-Defense

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Introduction to Self-Defense

Introduction to Self-Defense


In the first video the two women have been shown fighting with one another at the parking are. One of the women wore a black dress and the other one wore a red dress. The woman in the red dress has been shown as starting a fight with the women in the black. The women in the black dress had to fight in defense as the fight was not initiated by him. In the second video the angry girls are shown fighting in the hood. This video shows a planned fight between the two girls in the hood. Both of these girls started the fight together and were ready before the fight. The reason for the fight cannot be properly determined as it was not shown in the video. Similarly, the fight also started among the presence of the public. The people around the fight encouraged both the fighters to fight. However, after a while when the fight became severe and both the fighters fell on the ground, people around them interrupted and tried to stop the fight.

In the third video fight at the beach has been shown between three persons. Before the fight, there were some hot arguments between the two persons and afterwards the fight began. In the first step of the fight they threw water to each other but later on there was exchange of the punches and kicks between the two. The person who was staying outside the water started the fight with the person who was standing inside the water. The person who was staying outside the water had beaten the person who was staying inside the water along with one of his friends who also tried to stop the fight. After beating them he came out of the water as the rescue person arrived there. But later on after the arrival of the rescue person one of the person who was inside the water came out of the water and tried to take revenge from the person who was staying outside the water but he was once again beaten by him and fell down on the ground. The final video shows fight between a Coup and a person naming Andrew. Andrew was found by the coup harassing the woman. The coup started to fight with Andrew instead of taking appropriate legal action.


In the first video the women in black dress was hit hardly on her face and other body parts by the women in the red dress. This fight between the two women was the wildest fight among all the videos. The women in the black tried to retrieve but the women in red dominated in the fight. In the video also there are many people shown but nobody tried to stop the fight and everyone was enjoying it. There were many supporters of the women in red and cheered her. There was no one to support the women in the black dress. The victim of this fight was the ...
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