Introduction To Philosophy

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Introduction to Philosophy

Introduction to Philosophy


Philosophy is the source of the entire knowledge. It is assumed to be the mother of all sciences. Man and his numerous activities have been interpreted by philosophy in an all inclusive manner. It assists in coordinating the numerous activities of the people and also the society. Philosophy assists us in understanding the importance of the entire human experience. It investigates the fundamental aims and source of life. It inquires and attempts to respond to the most profound questions to life. It presents a much clear image of life and the fundamental values of life. Such clarity is really significant for the fact that it imparts the intelligence and astuteness for the order of facing the challenges of life. Intelligence and astuteness are the best instruments in the reach of man in quest of his meaningful and flourishing existence.

Nature of Philosophy

Meaning of philosophy

The term “philosophy” entails two Greek terms; “Philo” which means love, and “Sophia” which means knowledge. Therefore, philosophy, speaking in a literal sense, denotes the love of wisdom. Human being is considered as a sensible animal. The aspiration and yearning for knowledge crop up from this sensible disposition of human beings. Philosophy is an endeavour for satisfying this very sensible yearning. Philosophy connotes a necessary and natural urge in mankind for acquiring knowledge regarding themselves and the world wherein they live, have their existence and move around. It is not possible for human beings to live in the absence of philosophy. It is not metaphysic and no metaphysic amid which there is choice, rather the choice is between a bad metaphysic and a good metaphysic (Alexander, 2012).

The origin of philosophy

Philosophy, in accordance with Aristotle, crops up from wonder. Human beings experience lightening, clouds, storms, drought and rain. At certain times, man is terrified to a great extent. The occurrences of life and death then confuse or bewilder him. Man starts reflecting over such occurrences. The stars, the moon, and the sub seem beautiful and wonderful to man. Human being, as a consequence of his manifestation, believes that the occurrences may be elucidated by the powers similar to those of human being (Buckingham,, 2011). He suggests administering them through exquisite hexes. Such a magical spell paves way for religion, philosophy, and philosophy sooner or later. Magic becomes science in the event that the natural occurrences start being controlled and explained with the assistance of natural grounds. Again, magic becomes religion in the event that the powers are considered as super natural existences. These very magical spells develop into philosophy in the event that human being tries to elucidate the world as a whole (Eldridge, 2003).

The subject matter of philosophy

Philosophy is the logical endeavour of having the view or insight of the world. It tries to arrive at a formation or notion of the whole universe with each of its aspects and elements and their inter-associations to each other. It is not satisfied with an incomplete view of the ...