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Introduction To Innovative Development Using J2ee Architecture

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Introduction to Innovative Development using J2EE Architecture


The purpose of this paper is to project on the introduction of the innovative development of web based enterprise applications using J2EE. The study begins with a brief introduction of the concept of J2EE and the explanation of the J2EE technology, including the basic architecture, the underlying notions and principles and all the bases of the development of innovative applications, making use of J2EE. The paper then proceeds by illustrating the main steps that take place in the application development procedure, including the application of proven design patterns, automation of common functions, and usage of Metadata-Driven components. Lastly, the study presents the practicality; performance and scalability of the applications developed by employing the J2EE architecture. Introduction to Innovative Development using J2EE Architecture


J2EE or Java 2 Enterprise Edition is a technology that is turning out to be an insidious platform for the development of innovative, transactional, web based enterprise applications. It imparts a stout platform for development for building reusable, flexible applications and components. It is an influential standard which is adequately suitable for the web based applications for the reason that it imparts most of the fundamental services like the messaging (Java Message Service), transaction management (Enterprise JavaBeans), and HTTP request processing (Java servlet API), just to name some.

Nevertheless, J2EE is also a changing and complex standard which imparts a variety of performance considerations and design decisions to the technologists (Robert, 2009). Every component service supplements an overhead level to the processing of application which must be taken into consideration. In addition, there are a lot of widespread enterprise logic functions like the handling of errors which should be planned and developed for every application and component.

The platform of J2EE is intended to impart client side and server side support for the development of multitier, distributed applications. These types of applications are generally arranged in the form of a client tier for providing the user interface, a single or more middle tier modules which impart the business logic and client services for an application, and also the underlying business information systems imparting the management of data. The figure presented below demonstrates the several services and components that constitute a J2EE setup (Linda, 2000).

As in the demonstration, the platform of J2EE imparts a distributed multitier model for applications. This implies that the several components or elements of an application may run on varying devices. The architecture of J2EE delineates a backend tier, a middle tier; comprising of a single or more sub-tiers, and a client tier. At the back end, the business information systems in the EIS (enterprise information system) tier are available by means of standard APIs (Richard & David, 2000).

The middle tier has a support for the client services, and this is possible because of the web containers present in the web tier. Also, the middle tier supports the enterprise logic component services by means of EJB or Enterprise JavaBeans containers present in the EJB tier. In addition, the client tier has a support ...
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