Introduction To Information Security

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Introduction to Information Security

Introduction to Information Security


According to the stats of January 2008, the estimated 541.7 million computers in more than 250 countries worldwide are connected to internet, even in the places like that of Antarctica (Source: Internet Software Consortium's Internet Domain Survey; ex. pl). It's not solely a network, but a universal collection of insecurely connected networks, that can easily be accessed by any individual host. He should have the access from the internet to any other PC on internet. From this we can conclude that any person on internet can connect or communicate to other person on internet without travelling and boundary concerns. This thing is good in the sense that, it's making our life a luxury to communicate and connect to any other user on internet, but rises to a very alarming issue of internet security and data privacy.

It's true that, many other companies and organizations are facing this threat. The biggest level of threat is for the security and banking sectors. It's pretty much needed to have a system that helps to protect the information, or to provide it from getting sniffed, changed, lost, misused or stolen. The hacker can access or change the data or files of any other person out of the continent, without even leaving his chair. One thing is for sure that, every person connected to internet is in constant threat of Viruses and Trojans. There must be some sort protection for data and information. To avoid sniffing, there are many other things that need discussion and some things must be introduced regarding information security. We will briefly try to discuss it in the discussion.


Information security is defined as information processing and properties of overlapping systems, which involves the confidentiality, availability and integrity to make data security assured. Information Security is designed to protect against threats or threats, avoiding damage and minimizing risks. In practice, the information security today is based basics on the ISO / IEC standard series 2700x, but also increasingly to ISO / IEC 15408 and common criteria for the evaluation of IT security (or Common Criteria). 

The term often refers to a global information security, in which the number of potential adverse scenarios is summarily reduced, or the effort is to compromise for the operator in an unfavorable ratio of the expected information gain. In this view, the information security can also be an economic factor to be reckoned with, for example in business or organizational needs. In addition, the term refers also to the security under a certain scenario. In this sense, there must be information security, if a known way an attack on the system is possible. This is called a binary variable, because the information when applying this particular method can be either safe or not safe. Information security includes the security of IT systems and the data stored in the safety of non-electronically processed information.

Protection objective

The protection goals of IT security are based on different types of data and states that must be protected.

It is not about the general protection of data against damage, but to protect personal data against abuse. The protection of personal data ...
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