Introduction To Global Management

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Introduction to Global Management

Introduction to Global Management

Question no 1: Leadership Characteristics of John Lewis Managing Director Andy Street

John Lewis is basically Britain's most popular and best loved with employee friendly retailer and throughout the recession business was booming. Managing Director of John Lewis, Andy Street believes that the authenticity, strategy with marketing has been a vital key to his company that remains a consistently better performance through difficult economic times. Andy Street has a very unique view about leadership and its implementation, which is one of the reasons why people feel comfortable working for him. Thus, he feels that the greatest leaders continues to listen to learn after they have become leaders, they learn for delegate and also imply that they have a passion for achieving their objective. Form his approach of leadership one can relates his style to “Transformational Leadership Style”. Accordingly, Andy Street mentioned principles to achieve good relationships at work such as keeping everyone aware of how it plays in their work, give credit to whoever has it, advance notice to staff changes affecting them, treat the staff according to their individual characteristics and make the most of the attitudes and abilities of each person. For this reason, the leader has to maintain good communication with his followers (Herman & Heimovics, 2005, pp. 153-170).

He believes that such communication is what will allow the establishment of relationships between an individual and another. Thus, impact others with his behaviour and others imitate such behaviour. Thus, Andy Street being the Managing Director of John Lewis stays closely connected to the day-to-day operation of the business. Deep in the culture is what he calls, 'a restless nagging away to be better'. That pursuit of excellence pervades every aspect of how the company is organized and how it operates from supply chain management to decisions on how stock is displayed.

His vision of business:

During the early years of a business, the only word that matters is "surviving" funds to pay the bills every month. There is a fine line that separates success from failure.

Life and business is all one. Most people are continuously in contact with businesses, wherever you are in a hospital, a shop or an airplane. "Business is life."

The best always survive. As time passes, those companies that survive best experiences provided to customers. So sometimes you have to forget about accounting and not worsen the experience of customers for an additional benefit.

Their companies are profitable. However, this is not their motivation. It is a necessary condition, since it serves to pay bills and payrolls, but what interests and motivates you to create companies to be proud of. Cree that profitability comes as a result.

Managing a brand:

Building a brand is a work record. Your brand is as good as good your products and services. It creates a good brand if people have good experience using your products. Brands are about trust.

Andy has always been used himself as an ambassador for your brand. When they started, they were a very small company in a large ...
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