Introduction the Value Of College

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Alternative Education


The value of college education is considered to be losing faith in today's world. United States is under the process of restructuring the education system. Reviewing past history we can evaluate that, in late nineties during Bipartisan Commission United States competes economically with all other countries. One of the primarily reason for this competition was lower standards of education for understand needs of students to be successful in the twenty first century. Since then, state along with local governments is making fundament mental strategies that aim to improve accountability and attaining excellence. There is potential youth in the market that needs little attention to prepare them for a successful future in the coming endeavors. Designing effective strategies for reconnecting such dropouts is essential for their better future. Such students need access to high quality educational alternative and training opportunities to compete with today's market.

Alternative Education

Alternative education is a broad term covering those educational activities which are beyond traditional school system. These include home schooling, charter schools, special programs for gifted children and many other programs. The concept of alternative education is associated with students who were unsuccessful in their past. Such educational programs encourage them to regain their interest in education where students are highly valued for their creativity and innovation.

Risk Associated with College Education

Level of education among youth is enhancing rapidly. This rapid growth is essential and mandatory because of the inherit market competition. Completion of education is therefore merely essential task for individual development and growth. Thus, an individual must attempt to quality college certificate considering its immense importance.

Keeping in mind the importance of attainment of college degree, it is also essential to analyze the problems associated with college education. In this world of rising inflation and unemployment, cost of college education can be a matter of serious concern for parents. The spectacular rise the course program is not affordable by middle class families. It can leave heavy debt burden on families that could last for many years. Debt burden have equal impacts on life on students. It results in the impairment of future career mobility. Although, scholarships are regarded as a most continent alternative to this matter but, it should kept in mind that such scholarship are very limited and have severe competition (Nagata, Y, 2007, pp.200).

Another important area of concern is related to the scope of degree. Technological enhancement is a real risk if students are perusing their career in information technologies. Moreover, off-shoring of jobs is becoming a common fashion today. This means that employer will offer a limited wage bracket for a particular job. It is possible that employee have better expectation in term of monetary rewards since, he is aware of his skills and capabilities. Furthermore, opportunity cost is neglected by parents and students. The opportunity cost is rationally calculated on the basis of perusing some other alternative which can generate more revenue as compare to the existing option. Since, full time college going students cannot earn revenue and hence ...
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