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Death sentences by state upon a person for an offence are categorized under the capital punishment zone. Such crimes are generally known as a capital offence crime that causes severe punishments and castigation. Opponents for execution of laws and legislation are part of every society. For better regulation and control, such antagonist are punished though death penalties considering the crime. Death punishments are reserved for rigorous attempts which are considered against the decorum of society and are harmful for people living in the society. Such actions include murder, espionage, treason, rape and sodomy. Countries can differ in their penalties as per their own internal policies and regulations. In many countries drug and human trafficking is considered as a capital crime and have serious penalties imposed. For protecting people living in the society from harm and distress, such penalties are essential. Although for many people, capital punishments are difficult and emotive matter of concern. Death penalties are abolished by many countries in the world for securing civil rights of the affecter. In USA, death penalties are applicable in those cases where worst crimes are performed by people affecting other innocent people of society. Most Americans justify their support for capital punishment by considering it as prevention from homicide. On the contrary, another school of thought is against this justification and regards such penalties as a symbol of brutality (David, 2011, pp.1).


Death penalty is a debatable issue prevailing in societies. Advocates of this system argue that it is the main source for deterioration of crime from society. It gives authority to the law enforcing agencies to make sure that convicted criminals do not cause any similar offense again which result in the impairment of social justices. Opponents of capital punishments argue that the death penalty creates a culture of violence and encourages violation ...
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