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Education in the United States of America has a long history. Each and every generation of U.S inhabitants has been dependent on schools not only to educate children but also impart fundamental knowledge and lessons that will assist them in fulfilling their future responsibilities. Some children were systematically denied or hindered from receiving quality education whether because of their gender, race, societal status, religion, or some other irrelevant factor. The legacy of education system in the U.S should not be perceived as a linear collective history that all and sundry experienced, regardless of their background (Rury, 21).

It is often wondered by parents how to start off the education of their children. The dilemma of choosing between a private or public school is faced by most parents. The decision takes place depending on their beliefs or religion. A frequent question that parents ask themselves today is which is better? A public school or a private school? Aspiration for giving the best possible education to children is the fundamental force that drives parents, teachers, and schools to construct better means and fields in which to keep up and thrive in the modern era (Tierney, 54).


Private schools are paid for and financed by the tuition fee paid by the parents themselves. These schools are independent in matters of curriculum and manage themselves independently. This benefit provides private schools better access to the most advanced education tools as well as skilled trainers whose services would not be available otherwise.

Public schools are the choice for the majority of the population in the state. Public schools are subject to the provisions of the respective states (which vary from state to state) and are managed by school boards, which also dominate the curriculum. The funding of public schools is done by taxpayers' money and is free for residents. For non residents, school fee is collected, which is often much less than that of a private school fee (Burbules & Torres, 102).


As stated above, private schools are independent in matters of curriculum and manage themselves independently. This liberty permits private schools to develop their own curriculum. This freedom from the interference of government is perceived as a major advantage as long as parents agree with the religious, philosophical or intellectual basis imparted in the curriculum. They also have higher graduate requirements in order to groom the individual not only for the opportunities of the present, but also for the future.

In contrast, curriculum used by public schools is designed to include all students, hence invoking tolerance in them. Policies regarding curriculum, employment and teaching etc are set through school boards which are elected locally. These boards are with jurisdiction over school districts with many directives from state legislatures. Standardized testing is implied to measure learning in both public and private schools (Kliebard, 73).

Key Features

Tuition vs. Taxes

As everyone is paying taxes, therefore, everyone is already supporting the public school system. The question arises why should one pay for both? The fact is that numerous states and provinces ...
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