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Ethics is a philosophical discipline, which involves the examination and justification of the principles governing the set of norms and attitudes prevalent in society. Of course that justification can be extra-moral, but what matters is to have a rational discussion and explanation of ideas or rules adopted. Rational dialogue is essential, then, and it is essential to equitable participation in that dialogue.

Feminism on the other hand, feminism means, and not merely a description of female identity. Means essentially practical commitment, emancipator commitment. Feminism is a political position, and not just a concern to know what happens to women. Plurals, for their part, recognize the diversity of contemporary perspectives on both topics (Gruenbaum, 2001). Ethical and feminism, then, under these definitions suggest a series of links. Suggest the product of the feminist philosophical theory has been called feminist ethics, of which there are several schools and springs, attentive to various problems and various theoretical and political positions. Suggested the revision of the Principles Governing feminist practice as a social practice subject to the discussion of its foundations. Complaint also suggests the invisibility of female subjectivity in defining moral subjects, and the reality of women in defining universal human rights. The relevance of feminist critiques of ethics to consider the rights of women, particularly their reproductive rights is enormous. Do not forget that underlies ethical legal and political systems, so the principles are never hold innocent. Is criticized for not representing the views and interests of women, not relevant to consider the experiences typically female, and even have contributed to the oppression of women, arguing against their ability to evaluate moral judgments (Ferguson, 1995). Supposedly universal language and the critical nature of the ethics become a vital tool, and make fruitful the work of feminist philosophy to denounce its limitations and present alternatives. Return to top, ethics and feminism also suggests a more here and beyond. On a more intimate, suggests a critical torn open on the reiteration in the women's movement experiences that we thought exorcise awarded to patriarchy: experiences of exploitation, silencing, lack of solidarity, betrayal of the covenants, use arbitrary and oppressive power, ignorance of the legitimate modes of representation. In a more global level, finally, ethical and feminism suggest the revision of the foundations of the democratic system if women (and I mean when I say women involved, i.e. feminists) do not participate in the moral debate ...
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