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In 1861 six states of the USA seceded from the American union and affirmed themselves sovereign. They created a new, competitor country branded as the Confederate States of America. In the months that followed, an extra seven other states quickly were in pursuit, eliminating the former United States of America into two clearly-divided rival factions. (West, p.25)


Motivation for the confederate state

Many white Confederate armed forces stated reasons other than slavery as motivations for signing up. To appreciate "native" white Southerners will be looked at primarily. What will be indulged with is the actuality that many did not even believe slavery the major motivation to join up, or even one at all. This proposal indicated that slavery was not the superseding feature to all white Southerners.

Confederate States of America State of the Union emerged from the eleven states in the southern United States of America after splitting from the central state, the state continued from 1860 and ruled until 1865 when the United States military, led by Abraham Lincoln in the American Civil War .

America is a federal union of fifty states. The thirteen original states were the successors of the thirteen colonies that rebelled against the British Empire . Shortly after independence, three new states were created from existing ones: Kentucky from Virginia , Tennessee from North Carolina and Maine from Massachusetts . Most other states were created from territory obtained through war or purchase by the government. Vermont , Texas and Hawaii are the exceptions: each was an independent republic before joining the Union. During the Civil War , West Virginia seceded from Virginia. The latest state is Hawaii, which gained recognition as a state on August 21, 1959. The states do not have the right to secede from the Union.

Which government?

Tensions between the colonists and the British during the decades of 1760 and 1770 led to the War of Independence, which lasted from Every year on this day is celebrated Independence Day in the United States. In 1777, the Articles of Confederation weak government established a confederation, which operated until 1789.

The Confederation is composed of the states of South Carolina and North Carolina and Texas, Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi and Tennessee and Virginia, Louisiana and Florida, Arkansas, and the slavery practiced in all. Were the only President Jefferson Davis and its capital city of Richmond in Virginia?

Movement for independence of North American colonies from the British Empire beginning to gain momentum from the middle of the XVIII century. In 1775 began American Revolutionary War, after which it became apparent that to achieve the independence of the colonies can only unite. Held in the same year, the Second Continental Congress included representatives from twelve of the thirteen states (except Georgia) and was the chief authority of the colonies throughout the war (before the Congress of the Confederation in 1781). It was the Second Continental Congress adopted the Articles of Confederation and carried them for ratification.

USA & CSA (Constitution Vs Confederation)

“in order to make a perfect union involving us who are ...
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