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Global climate change and development policies to prevent its adverse effects include the most acute problems of today. Their particular relevance confirm conclusions of authoritative experts, according to which mankind is closely related to the threshold values ??of environmental load adverse trends in the climate situation, which is witnessing people around the globe. The situation is complicated by the fact that the search approaches and tools for solving this problem require not only a comprehensive view to justify from the economic perspective, but also provide a view of the tight time framework.


The problem of prevention of adverse climate change is object not only research but also active socio-political discussions, during which often have opposing views. As scientific understanding of relevant issues, initially the most intensive, it was the representatives of natural sciences. In-depth economic-theoretical studies, which began more than three decades ago, recent years have also undertaken a significant leap in development. At a certain stage their result was the launch of the Kyoto mechanisms, in varying degrees covers most of the world community and is based on market. Trade in human emissions of greenhouse gases. Theoretic and economic bases of the study in the thesis of the complex problems worked out by representatives of different economic schools (Pielke 2008 pp 112 ).

In this, includes neoclassical microeconomic theory, economic Theory welfare, institutional analysis, evolutionary economic theory, the theory public choice, theory of international economic agreements. Despite that between leading experts and policy-makers made a certain consensus that the proper organization of the market mechanism for trading emission rights can be an effective tool solving problems of human impact on climate research, in this direction should be continued. This is indicated by the fact that the applied regulatory mechanisms of adverse climatic changes, although ensure the achievement of a number of internationally agreed borders, all is not so far led to a radical change in the situation. This conclusion confirms the data showing the lack of qualitative shifts in approaches of international business to deal with them. This and other facts about the need for continued scientific research in order to clarify and modernize used to implement the global climate policy mechanisms (Solomon 2009 pp 98 ).

A number of countries have accumulated experience in the implementation of regulatory policy that has adverse human impact on the environment. Along with the most move in this direction by EU countries is noteworthy and U.S. experience not only because it is in this country has been introduced historically, the first emission trading scheme licenses to pollute. In the U.S., as well as in the recent past in our country, connecting businesses to the task of preventing adverse climate change takes place in conditions of incompleteness institutional environment. As for the EU, here in the second fiscal period, a rather exhaust emission trading mechanism certificates, compilation of the lessons of which undoubtedly is of interest for many countries.

As a result of the specialists of the UN Environment Program (UNEP), study the damage that ...
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