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Romeo and Juliet (1597) is a tragedy composed by William Shakespeare. It narrates the story of two young lovers who, despite of the opposition from their families, rival each other. They decide to fight for their life to be married in a clandestine manner, but the pressure of that rivalry and a number of fatalities lead to the suicide of two lovers. This relationship between its protagonists has become the archetype of the so-called star-crossed lovers.

Discussion and Analysis

This is one of the most popular English plays and, along with Hamlet and Macbeth; it has been staged several times. Although, the story is part of a long tradition of romance tragedy which dates back to antiquity, the argument is based on the English translation (The Tragically History of Romeos and Juliet, 1562) of a story Italian of Bandello Mateo, conducted by Arthur Brooke, which was based on the translation in French made by Pierre Boaistuau in 1559. For its part, in 1582, William Painter made a version in prose from Italian and French stories, published in the collection of stories Palace of Pleasure.

Shakespeare took many elements of both works, in order to expand the story, created new supporting cast as Mercutio and Paris. Some sources say he began writing in 1591, leading to its completion in 1959. Sin embargo, However, others support the hypothesis that he finished writing in 1597.

The message does not reach Romeo because the monk that is needed to deliver the message is arrested on suspicion of infection, but instead he learned of the death of Juliet. He then advised to go to and buy a powerful poison and head to the grave to see his beloved for the last time; unfortunately his entry goes to Paris and kills his enemy sin a duel. Then, Romeo, having ...
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