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It was before the 911 attacks, when the Muslims through out US had a very peaceful life, with good close relationship with the Americans who always showed respect to the religion Islam. Unfortunately, after the terrorist attacks of September 9 2011, which occurred in New York, Pennsylvania and Virginia, things have changed drastically. Muslims have come under limelight, and people who used to respect Muslims and used to live with them, have now started to look at the Muslims with suspiciousness. It was the attack of 9/11 which took the life of about 3000 people, including a handsome amount of Muslims as well, but still the religion Islam, and the Muslims faced a change that would probably last through out their lives.

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“Before 9/11, Muslims didn't reach out much to a lot of people outside of their communities or to other faith groups,” said Zainab Al-Suwaij, executive director of the American Islamic Congress in Washington, D.C. it was after the 9/11 attacks when the Muslims of America actually had to go out in the public forcefully and help the citizens of America realize that they are a part of the American nation and they to deserve respect and every right to be in America and enjoy al the facilities that the other Americans enjoy. Life now for the American Muslims is not as easy as it used to be, with so many people doubting the Muslims as terrorists they probably have to face a lot then they would in any other case. It has happened after the attacks of 9/11 that Muslims now have opened up their mosques to the people of other faiths, so that the people of other faiths could come in and learn about the religion and change their perception about not just the Muslims, but even the religion Islam. Earlier Muslims just lived as normal Americans where they would work and live a life of their own, but now they are forced to build up ties with other fellow Muslims living in their locality so that they can be reached for help if required.

“Sept. 11 shook all of us. It was a horrible action that we will remember for as long as we live. We remember the date, we remember the moment it happened because it was something we never expected,” said Al-Suwaij. This unfortunate event of 9/11 has laid down so many barriers between the Muslims and the other nations of the world and America, that it specifically requires great determination and hard work to lift them off. A few researches say that the impact of 9/11 will last for years, and it requires as many as 100 years for the entire world to forget and get along with the Muslims in the same manner as they were before the attack. The reason why 100 years is stated because the entire generation that was present, and who has faced the consequences of 9/11 attacks have to pass on their jeans to the next generation, ...
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