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Charles dickens was a profolic of the 19th century where he wrote a number of short stories, plays, novellas, novels.

Dickens career started in 1833. During his lifetime Dickens was very well known for his remarkable characters, his mastery of describing the lives, and his depictions of the social classes, mores and values of his times. Some people considered him as the writer and speaker of the poor, because he all alone brought awareness to life of the poor people. Like every other famous personality he to had to face critics like Virginia Woolf and Henry James, but at the same time, he even has admirers in the 21st century which means that he is still being admired till date. He is one of those ever green writers who helped people benefit from his work. His work has always been seen with an eye of value which is full of Dickens own personal experiences, nearly every piece of work that passed from him to the public had a very prominent message in it.


Dickens as mentioned earlier, to some people was known to be the speaker of the poor and this is because he had done an impressive work in bringing awareness to the public through his short stories. Dickens was very much interested in journalism, but, he was always against the un just laws. Dickens had faced quite a few problems in his life, and, therefore; he started giving life to his characters.

Dickens area of concern are attacking the social evils, injustice and hypocrisy. Dickens had faced oppression and had felt very bad when he had to undergo a pressure by his mom who forced him to leave school and work at a factory.

A few of the novels of dickens have gained much of fame, and namely they are the cruel miser Scrooge, David Copperfield etc. In Charles Dickens's "Hard Times," in this novel dickens it is all about what had started happening in that era. It was the era of utilitarianism. The main character of this novel has planned out an ideal life which has everything for him and has absolutely no place for others. He identifies as to how industrialized the town has become and life has become totally monotonous for the local people living in that area. In chapter number 5, dickens have become completely imagery. Every sentence that he writes holds an image which clearly gives us an idea as to what dickens is trying to express. Over here we have identified that since Dickens had to face problems during his childhood and was forced to leave school and join a factory he has now identified those moments and framed them in to a novel. Since it was an era of industrialization and the life was getting too fast people were not ready to accept it all and so was Dickens.

A Tale of Two Cities, written by Charles Dickens, has quite a few fascinating characters in it where as this novel is purely based on ...
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