Intimacy Vs. Isolation

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Psycho Social Stage of Development

Psycho Social Stage of Development


Erikson's model of psychosocial development is a very unusual, highly regarded and meaningful concept. Life is a series of lessons and challenges which help us to grow. Erikson's brilliant theory helps to tell us why. The theory is helpful for child development and adults too. Erik Erikson first published his eight stage theory of human development in his 1950 book Childhood and Society. In this paper, my psychosocial development stage is discussed which is Sixth intimacy vs. isolation, and the psychological changes at each stages are reviewed. From the birth till death a person is developed continuously. Now it is very important to know the significance of these eight stages in the individual's life. Each stage plays a great role in development of an individual (Miller, 1983).

Erikson's Psychosocial Development Theory

I'm sure most of the people must have heard the term "identity crisis" before. She thought of as a conflict of individual and society, and its introduction came from a psycho-analyst of the most famous 20th century. During life, we are all changing and evolving. However, in the field of development psychology, the process of growth, maturation and change, has traditionally been seen as a process inherent in childhood. Erik Erikson was one of the first theorists who believed that development continues throughout life. He developed a theory of development, according to which a person throughout life is eight stages of development. At each stage, there is a particular conflict that they must resolve in order to successfully develop further. At each stage, there is a particular conflict that they must resolve in order to successfully develop further. It is believed that the crisis remained unresolved or poorly resolved, continue to occur throughout life, they can be accessed and resolve them at a later stage (Goethals, 1976).

My Stage

Erik Erikson's sixth stage of psychosocial development covers approximately the age range of 18 to 40 years. In this period, of life of young adults developed close relationships with others. Erikson believes that a consolidated ego identity opens a prerequisite to experience intimacy. If a person opened another can take the place of "I" a "we". It should not be able to open themselves up to another human being, must be expected to arise only superficial relationships, which leads to the feeling of isolation. Intimacy is not only given by the fact that there are sexual relations, since these can be present without being open to the partner or partner, and they developed a 'we-experience' (Crunden, 1973).

Young Adulthood: Intimacy - Isolation (18-40)

At this stage, I learned to build a close relationship both in friendship and fell in love. Successful resolution of this problem depends on the preceding stages. For example, difficulties in establishing intimate relationships may occur if a person has a sense of undeveloped basal confidence or sense of self-identity. I started establishing intimate relationships with other people. An alternative is alienation, isolation, fear of attachment and the inability to commit him to ...
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