Interviewing And Introduction To The Report

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Interviewing and Introduction to the Report

Interviewing and Introduction to the Report


The case study presented to review is an interesting one because it highlighted the dark side of the society. Margaret's role in the case is the true picture of the today's unmarried mother having children that how life getting in trouble with the every passing day. As the case reveals that Margaret just 27 years old, and the responsibilities and the problems that she facing are too much for her.

As related to Margaret case, the author noticed that many of the unmarried mothers are afraid of not being able to start rebuilding their lives (so different from the previous one) and end up underestimating the real chance to start everything from the beginning. The people that weigh heavily pity, remembering each time how difficult it is raising and educating a child from the sun. Usually the single mothers because of the many commitments, work and family, and the weight of such great responsibility, tend to withdraw into themselves and loneliness can lead to resentment and moments of anger. These state arose comfort and depression, however, does nothing but worsen the situation. It must learn to cope with these feelings without scaring, trying to contain the emergence of negative feelings that weigh heavily on the child.

In the given case, there are numerous characters, which could be able to give more information regarding the Margaret and her family. For instance, Margaret's mother, who was with Margaret from the day one and handling Margaret and her children. She could be the one, who can give enough information that could help in further elaborating the assessment of the case. Similarly, Margaret's sister also had a vital role in her life because when Margaret on job, her sister took the responsibility of handling her daughter. Therefore, she could also be the one who could be approach to gather more information regarding the case.

Margaret's Mother Role

Margaret's mother is the one, who can give more information regarding the Margaret's condition because at the moment she is living with her. However, the author believed that Margaret's mother also very much worried because of her daughter's condition because her daughter not giving suitable time to her children and the reason her children attitude and nature becoming worse to handle. Margaret's mother is also a working lady; therefore, it was equally difficult for her to manage her daughter and grand children.

Different Questions

For the purpose of better understanding of the case, the author formalized certain questions that will be asked from the different characters of the case, so that the author could come to a better conclusion. The questions formulated by the author are given in the appendix.

The reason behind formulating the different questions from different characters was that the author believed that the Margaret's story is one side of the mirror, and to look for the other side, the author need to question the different characters of the case because there role is also as important like ...
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