Interview Summary/Synthesis

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Interview Summary/Synthesis

Interview Summary/Synthesis

It is always amazing to see some wonderful activities happening around you. At present, I can find my neighbor decorating the whole town since it is holiday time for the purpose. Next week, we have Thanksgiving, and I have already begun to reflect on end-of-year activities and preparing a list of memories of 2012 that I have stocked up to carry forward. One can say that the year 2010 might sound as a year with substantial and gigantic changes in the healthcare sector. Yet, the year 2011 was the year when those changes targeted the nursing profession. By the end of year 2010, the “Institute of Medicine's landmark Future of Nursing” issued a testimony which was not easy to accept. I have respect for the people who want to see this profession on the top of the chart due to its high relevancy.

I kept Nursing Management Congress in view which took place last month and tried to gauge that the entire possible insinuation of value-oriented purchasing have casted its sizeable effect on home in nursing and penetrated deep into the level of units. The profession is indeed sacred but the unnecessary interventions are making it difficult for theconcerning professionals. Below are problems:

Acquiring Advanced Degrees are no more elective

I am glad to know that IOM's recommendations propose that by 2020, 80% of entire teams of RNs must obtain a baccalaureate degree. This suggestion did not have much implementation in the old ADN vs. BSN predicament. On the contrary, the profession is concentrating on various modes of employing nurses in enduring all-time learning. It will work in a way that associate degree nurses are able to come across some pragmatic modes to attain BSN degrees (Bohn, 2003). Besides, BSN nurses receive motivation and encouragement to become leaders in ...
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