Interview And Interrogation

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Interview and Interrogation

Interview and Interrogation


Interrogation and interview both are crucial for successful investigation of any crime and prosecution of the suspect. Both approaches have their benefits and positive points. The purpose behind both is the same that is finding out the truth but the means to achieve the truth is a little different. Both techniques differ in nature and undertaken depending upon the requirement of investigation. Collection of all the necessary information and data is very important to give interrogation process the right direction and focus. Additionally, effective communication skills and techniques, if followed according to the nature of the crime will be quite helpful in reaching at the conclusion and finding out the criminal involved. Effective interrogation and interviewing skill are very difficult and can be mastered with experience and time only.


Interrogation and Interview

Interrogation is a process that involves asking a series of formal questions in a well planned or unplanned manner. The aim behind asking questions is to retrieve correct information from the witness. The approaches that interrogator undertakes can be aggressive, sympathetic or neutral (Janniro, 1991). In interrogation, the goal of interrogator is completely different from that of the witness. The interrogator is pursuing the interrogation because he wants useful facts needed to take further action. On the other hand, the witness is more interested in pursuing his personal benefit and interest; he does not care about the interrogator's aims (Walton, 2003).

In case of interview, the main purpose behind the question answers session is to obtain important information that is useful to the investigator and police department. Purpose of the interview is to get information while the reason to conduct an interrogation is to get the person's confession or admission of the crime. According to Aubry and Caputo, the main aim behind interrogation and interview should be to obtain truth under all conditions. Interrogation and interview both can accomplish the following steps in the process of investigation (Janniro, 1991):

1. The person will admit that he is guilty.

2. Eliminating the suspects.

3. Gathering all the important data and information.

4. Identifying addition evidences on location or crime scene.

5. Identifying others related to the crime.

6. Identifying the hideouts of other suspects or people in relation to the main crime.

Interrogation involves asking questions in the context of the suspect's relation to the crime. The reason for their involvement plays an important role in the process of interrogation. Sometimes, the investigation starts with the interview of the suspect, but it can change in to interrogation depending upon the answers whether, they go in favor of the person involved or against. The tone will become accusatory and investigator will ask closed ended questions instead of asking open ended questions. Suspect will be quiet, and investigator will do most of the talking. This step of transforming an interview into an interrogation is very important. Once the investigator has decided to make it accusatory then he cannot go back to the normal ...
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