Interview Analysis

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Interview Analysis


The retirement home is a home that acts as the second home for the elderly people. By the time a person reaches a certain age of retirement, it becomes necessary for him or her to reside at a place which is comforting and provides good care of them as one becomes most sensitive at this stage. This is the stage where one requires complete independence and due care to live a happy life in the ending. However, this becomes difficult as the old age people get alone as their children leave for studies and stuff, thus, leaving old age people alone. Retirement home at this stage plays an important part for the old age people to take care of them. An interview was conducted to see whether old people felt comfortable with the old age home or not. However, whether some of the old age people liked living in the retirement home or not depends upon the theoretical approach adopted.

Interview Analysis


Approximately half a million people are living in retirement homes. Senior citizens are one of the most important part of our society as we are their successors and whatever we have achieved is because of their part in it. Therefore it is compulsory to take care of them and see whether they are receiving adequate amount to f support or not. Hence, a study was carried out in an urban city through conducting interviews between two elderly people; one being aged at 70 and the other at 80. Both have been residing in the most reliable retirement home in the city for more than two years. A questioner was prepared for the subjected study and answers were collected to perform the comparison with the literature. The data was analyzed as well to determine their satisfaction level with life in retirement homes and the socio-economic situation they are facing.


The aim of the interview is to recognize the different aspects of ageing and appreciate them. It is also to promote health for the elderly by developing a positive attitude. However, students should be provided with an opportunity to conduct, write up, design and evaluate interviews in a critical manner with senior citizens. The current legislation and policy that affect elderly should be understood by adopting a holistic approach.


To appreciate ageing as a multidisciplinary field and recognize different perspectives, descriptions and explanations concerning being old in today's society.

To develop a positive attitude towards health promotion for the elderly

To provide students with the opportunity to design, conduct, write up and critically evaluate interviews with older persons.

To adopt an holistic approach to the health of the elderly and to understand how current legislation and policy affect elderly people

Interview Analysis

Theme 1: The Perception of Older People about Their Lives in Retirement Homes

Most of the survey respondents showed a positive response to this question when they were asked about how old people felt when they lived in their old home. They appreciate the support of the old care as the supporting ...
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