Interview Analysis

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Interview Analysis

Interview Analysis

This paper presents an assessment of an interview and effectiveness of the responses given. Main objective is to emphasize on the learning from the course and to what extent interview that was conducted.

Interview Responses Analysis

What is your full name? What is your education status? What is your current job description? How many years have you been working in this job and how many years of supervisory experience do you have?

My name is Hadi Quaiyum. I have a bachelors and masters degree in Civil Engineering. Currently, I am heading a Division in the Dept. of Public Works and Transportation. The division comprises of civil engineers, IT engineers and Para-professionals skilled in critical technical work involving traffic signal and other devices on the roadway. I manage a work force comprising 25 individuals including supervisors and engineers. I have about 12 years of experience in a supervisory engineer level position. However, I have about 16 years of work experience in my career.


The introduction of the interview marks a sort of development of the idea of the interviewer as mere observer and the interviewee as nothing more than a chronicle. Main objective of the question is to gain an insight about the interviewee regarding the experience, expertise, skills, and qualification. In this context, answer given in the above presented text does not present an insight about the capabilities of the interviewee. It only highlights the experience duration and level at which the interviewee has served. He only highlighted that he leaded a team; however, did not present any insight about the challenges confronted during the management. Interviewee must have emphasized on telling different experience event that highlight utilization of certain skills and management abilities.

Similar approaches to present ability that were being asked by the interviewer in this question include presenting the framework of understanding the five Ws (Who? What? Where? When? Why?) and how? In such an open ended question, interviewee should avoid presenting open set of information and opt for more close-ended answer unless a yes or no answer is specifically required. However, there are some fundamental medium-based differences with respect to answer the question for the position applied.

What one or two things from your current or prior experience and/or education do you see as being the most relevant and valuable to succeed in this position as a manager?

Educational background and people skills.


This question seeks to gain an insight about the skills and abilities of the individual. However, a very limited and constrained answer has been provided to interviewer which does not highlight how educational background does and people management skills of the interviewee would enable him to succeed for the position. Interviewee must have provided information about the past experiences when he leaded a team of people and challenges confronted.

What are the biggest challenges you face and why?

Meeting the demand of motoring public with limited budget and ever increasing infrastructure with fewer resources.


This is again not an effective answer to be given in order to give an ...
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