Interview A Friend

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Interview a Friend


For this paper I am going to interview my friend who is a teacher and she works in a school. And in this paper I mostly focus on her career and how she has managed to be among one of the successful ones in her field.

Interview a friend

In her interview as response to this question that hoe you define your job she told us that I feel that being a teacher requires lots of hard work and dedication both inside and outside of the classroom. Preparing the work that is going to be taught in school, is a difficult and time consuming task that some teachers do not always take the appropriate time to do. Other tasks that teachers are faced with are deciding what is going to be taught, how it is going to be taught, what methods work, and what don't. Teachers spend many off hours preparing what they believe is an effective education model. Preparation and implementation of that model are two of the most important things a teacher does.

She also told that I also have found that it is important to think about any materials that would be needed for the lesson, keeping in mind how many students are in the class, the physical and mental abilities of the students, and how to present it to the class. A couple of teachers told me to always have a backup plan or some exercise that you can give to students, in case a music class is cancelled or something, or a planned lesson goes bad. It also seems like a lot of the lesson plans that are used in today's classrooms are a derivative of the older teachers' lesson plans. Mrs. Jackson, a special education teacher, teacher told me that she takes ...
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